
May 31, 2010

Gorgeous Vintage ideas

I came across a few great videos at YouTube which led me to finding this wonderful free blog background and elements website.  Cute and Cool Blog Stuff  And an added bonus, she has a list in the column on the right with many, many other free blog stuff websites. This woman is talented! And just my style, whoopie!!

May 16, 2010


My new venture ~ I'm sure will fit into my final goal of mixed-media creations. I tend to find a project which becomes the focus or goal for a period of time. Mixed-media works well as I continue to learn about various types of art creation. Building one on the next leads to fruition. So a general goal is easier to achieve than goals with specifications. For me, just like Christmas shopping. 3 dimensional works are so full of possibilities, inclusion is not limited. The challenge is great and expansive. New techniques are required which means more is more. Flo Paint will make a wonderful base to build on. Definitive definition hunt is on.
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